Ishikawa Metal Co. Ltd is Lead-free solder manufactuer and sales in Osaka

Ishikawa Metal Co.,LTD


Management System
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015

Certified office:Head office factory

  • 7-21 Chikkoh Hamadera Nishimachi Nishi-ku Sakai City, Osaka 592-8352, Japan
  • TEL:(Representative)072-268-1155
    (Product and Technical Inquiries)072-268-1156
  • FAX:072-268-1159

Responding to conflict minerals

Responding to conflict minerals

ISHIKAWA METAL's policy on conflict minerals

ISHIKAWA METAL's procurement policies are designed to develop mutually beneficial trusting relationships with our business partners around the world based on the concepts of fairness, coexistence, transparency, and co-prosperity. 
We have thus committed ourselves to maintaining high ethical standards and a social conscience, and have declared that we will conduct our procurement activities in strict compliance with both the letter and spirit of laws and regulations in every country and region in which we operate.
We consider mineral procurement of high risk such as tantalum,tin,tungsten,gold to be a major issue in terms of socially responsible procurement, check whether there is risks in conflict areas and high risk areas(CAHRAs) written in AnnexⅡ of "Due Dilligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of minerals from conflict and high risk areas" which orgnization for economic cooperation and Deveropment published.
We are asking to our trading companies to understand our procurement policies and if there is any risk or suspicion, we may immediately ask them to change supply chain to the reliable smelter who is complying to those requirement without forementioned problems.

  1. 1. ISHIKAWA METAL requests that its suppliers to follow the above policy of conflict mineral and we will take additional opportunities to explain and gain understanding of its suppliers about actions it takes to keep conflict minerals out of its products.
  2. 2. Although ISHIKAWA METAL is not required to report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission the use of conflict minerals, as defined in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ("Dodd-Frank Act").
    However, ISHIKAWA METAL is implementing supply chain due diligence by using a Questionnaire(CMRT) from Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) (previously known as CFSI).
    If, in the future, a more effective means of carrying out conflict mineral due diligence is established, ISHIKAWA METAL and its suppliers will adopt it.
  3. 3.To ensure that minerals are procured only from smelters and refiners that have been found to be compliant with the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process(RMAP) audit protocol of the RMI, ISHIKAWA METAL requests smelters and refiners to obtain proof of compliance via the supply chain.

In line with the foregoing policy, ISHIKAWA METAL will continue to take the following actions.

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